Volunteers in Action


School Programs

» Ready, Set, Grow!

» Super Soil Science

» High School Horticulture

» FRESH Tastings

Ready, Set, Grow!

This program is designed for 1st grade students to learn environmental concepts that align with Virginia Standards of Learning. After a presentation, volunteers plant seedlings with the students and come back weeks later to plant them out into the schoolyard with the class.

Super Soil Science

Working with 3rd grades students, this program complements Virginia Standards of Learning. Students learn about the function and fragility of soil for our food. The class explores soil through hands-on and visual experiments.

High School Horticulture

Volunteer Master Gardeners work with Fauquier High School students as they plant, label, market and grow for their annual spring plant sale. Students are trained new skills and work side by side with passionate and experienced gardeners.

FRESH Tastings

Extension Master Gardeners partner with the FRESH program to introduce students to new and different ways to eat fruits and vegetables. Students learn how and where the crops grow as well as how they taste.

Tom Baughn by Pete Smith.jpg

Horticulture Therapy

» Extension Master Gardeners work with residents of nursing home facilities to share horticulture activities on a regular basis. It is an opportunity for residents to engage with the volunteer while keeping the mind and body active.