Garden Help
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Get Help for Your Garden
Help Desk
Need garden help? Ask an expert. A Master Gardener is available in person or on-line to answer horticulture questions.
"Green" Grass Program
Receive a custom plan on how to create and maintain a healthy lawn in ways that help keep our local rivers and streams clean.
Wildlife Sanctuary Program
Master Gardeners with Northern Virginia Bird Alliance to provide onsite recommendations to make your yard more wildlife friendly.
How-To Sessions
Check out our upcoming events at which we provide researched based information on seasonal garden topics.
Farmers Market
Master Gardeners are available at the Warrenton Farmers Market to share gardening information each Saturday from May through September.
Request a Speaker
Civic groups, clubs and other organizations can request a Master Gardener to visit and teach on a garden topic.
Pond Assessment Program
Receive a custom report with recommendations for your pond with the goals of improving local water quality.